On July 25th, 2017, Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS) center in Ankara was visited by Second Secretaries Nakanishi Ryosuke and Takumi Suemitsu of the Japanese Embassy in Ankara. During the visit, Mr. Ryosuke and Mr. Suemitsu were witnessed first-hand how UNFPA Turkey and Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) partnership functions and how the center provides clinical, psychological and legal services to the refugee women residing in the vicinity.

The visitors had a chance to see and examine the Family Hygiene Kit that is provided by UNFPA Turkey office as well as to see various board games, developed by UNFPA Turkey office, that aim to educate and entertain the refugees while teaching them Turkish language and raising awareness about sexual health and sexual diseases. The visitors from the Japanese Embassy had a Q&A session with the center's beneficiaries during which they learned about the refugees' lives, conditions and future plans in Turkey.

UNFPA Turkey office aims to expand its humanitarian programme to the refugee youth in Turkey with the financial assistance of the Japanese government in the near future. In that context, this visit was organized to show how UNFPA WGSS centers operate and to share the positive effects of the various services have on the refugee population in Ankara. The diplomats from the Japanese Embassy were informed by means of presentations, conversations with the UNFPA Turkey representatives and implementing partners as well as through interactions with the beneficiaries of the center.