News | Humanitarian Programme | UNFPA



  • October 18

    “Do not destroy the dreams of girls by casting a shadow on their future”

    “Do not destroy the dreams of girls by casting a shadow on their future”

    October 18th, 2017, Şanlıurfa - "Child Marriage Awareness Panel " was organized in Şanlıurfa by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), funded by European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and with the cooperation of Ministry of Health and the implementing partner Harran University.

    During the panel in which more than 450 refugee women participated,  Dr. Gökhan Yıldırımkaya - Reproductive Health Program Director of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), made presentation about Physical, Psychological and Social Dimensions of Childhood Marriages; Gender Specialist from Denmark Refugee Council, Attorney Melike Çilingir presented the issue of Legal Status and Obligations in Early Age Marriages in Turkey? and Nesrin Semiz from Başkent Women Platform Association made presentation about Child Marriages from the Islamic Perspective.

  • October 18

    Devteşti Women and Girls Safe Space is Officially Opened - 18 October 2017, Şanlıurfa

    Devteşti Women and Girls Safe Space is Officially Opened - 18 October 2017, Şanlıurfa

    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Women and Girls Safe Space (WGSS) in Devteşti Şanlıurfa is opened with an official ceremony on 18 October 2017. Devtesti WGSS centre is funded by European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) and is managed in cooperation with Ministry of Health and run by Harran University.

  • October 16

    “Whatever available health services we have in Turkey, we are trying to extend those services to the Syrian refugees”

    “Whatever available health services we have in Turkey, we are trying to extend those services to the Syrian refugees”

    16 October 2017, Ankara - United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Turkey office is kicked off a training series titled as “Clinical Management for Sexual Violence and Rape Survivors (CMR)”. The training was done in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Ankara Maternity Training and Research Hospital with the fund provided by the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).

  • October 13

    "Child marriages cause domestic, economic and social violence’’

    Another panel in the series of ‘’Child Marriages Awareness Panels’’ intended for men refugees was held on October 13, 2017 this time in Adıyaman. The panel’s content was developed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and organized in cooperation with KAMER Foundation, the implementing partner of UNFPA in Turkey. The series of child marriage awareness panels aims to raise awareness of and draw attention to child marriages, a serious human rights violation against children, also a significant problem as a wide practice among refugee families that seek help in Turkey. In the panel, participants held presentations on the Physical, Psychological and Social Dimensions of Childhood Marriages; Legal Status and Obligations in Early Age Marriages in Turkey? And Child Marriages from the Islamic Perspective.

  • October 12

    “We all have responsibility to create a world livable for children”

    “We all have responsibility to create a world livable for children”

    Another in the series of Child Marriage Awareness Panels, a series of panels intended for women and men refugees seeking help in Turkey, was held on October 12, 2017 this time for men refugees in Gaziantep. The panel’s content concept was developed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and organized in cooperation with UNFPA’s implementing partners the KAMER Foundation and the Association for Solidarity for Asylum Seekers and Migrants (SGDD-ASAM).