News | Humanitarian Programme | UNFPA



  • September 20

    “Child Marriages Awareness Panel” Held in İzmir - 20 September 2017

    “Child Marriages Awareness Panel” Held in İzmir - 20 September 2017

    The “Child Marriages Panel” developed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and organized for refugee women by the implementing partners Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG) and the Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (SGDD-ASAM) was held in İzmir on September 20, 2017. In the panel, organized to draw attention to and create awareness about the issue of child marriages, which is frequently experienced in refugee families living in Turkey and is considered as the violation of children rights. The experts who spoke in the panel made presentations on the topics of Physical, Psychological and Social Dimension of Child Marriage, Legal Status and Liabilities for Early Marriage in Turkey and Early Marriages According to Islamic Law were made.

  • September 19

    Training on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Crises

    Training on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Crises

    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) organized a training in Ankara titled as “Training on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Crises” between September 18-20, 2017 which was funded by European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Approximately 30 health professionals - social service providers, midwives, psychologists - from 11 various provinces in Turkey, majority of them from UNFPA’s Women and Girls Safe Spaces, attended the training. The participants listened to UNFPA Turkey office’s experts’ presentations on the topics of sexual and reproductive health, sexual violence, gender based violence, mothers and new-borns’ health during and after crises.

  • September 18

    “Child Marriages Awareness Panel” for Male Refugee Participants Held in Mardin

    “Child Marriages Awareness Panel” for Male Refugee Participants Held in Mardin

    The first of the “Child Marriages Panel" developed specially for regugee men by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and organized with the implementing partner KAMER was held in Mardin city center on 18 September 2017 and the second panel was held in Mardin Kızıltepe on 19 September 2017. Specialists made presentations about the Physical, Psychological and Social Dimensions of Child Marriage, Laws on Early Marriage and Early Marriages According to Islamic Law to more than 1.000 male participants which was organized to draw attention to and raise awareness about child marriage issue which is frequently experienced in refugee families in Turkey and is a violation of rights of children.

  • August 18

    Awareness raising activities for young refugees in Diyarbakır

    Awareness raising activities for young refugees in Diyarbakır

    UNFPA Turkey’s Youth Center in Diyarbakır organized an awareness raising activity for the young refugees residing in the area who previously participated the football tournament that was kicked off on August 1st, 2017. The aim of this activity was to inform these young refugees regarding the sexually transmitted diseases, HIV & AIDS and equip them with effective communication methods taught by the center’s expert, psychologist Ferzin İpekyüzü

  • August 09

    UNFPA Family Hygiene kits were distributed to 1,500 refugee families in Ankara

    UNFPA Family Hygiene kits were distributed to 1,500 refugee families in Ankara

    Hacettepe Üniversitesi Kadın Sorunları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (HÜKSAM), Ankara’da ikamet eden çoğunluğu Suriye ve Iraklı olan sığınmacı 1,500 aileye, UNFPA Aile Hijyen Kiti dağıtım çalışması yaptı.